Monday, June 20, 2011

Another recap!

Here is a quick recap of my training last week.  At this point, the only thing I have to say is..Onwards and Upwards!
Monday the 13th

Saturday was a 14 mile run. I had tummy issues at the start but that quickly resolved.  Somewhere between mile 9-10, I stopped to get some pebbles out of my shoes and it went downhill from there. Long story short,  I ended up walking the last 4 miles with cramps in my feet and hamstrings. After discussing my issues with Erin  (our resident ironwoman) we narrowed it down to an electrolyte imbalance.  I had over  hydrated Friday with water, should have drank Gatorade or a sports drink. Also, did not eat enough breakfast before starting out.  Only good thing, i am making these mistakes before the marathon and not during it!

1 comment:

  1. 14 mile run!! WOW!! I mean it, WOW!! I am glad you're getting the bugs worked out. But I am still amazed, 14 miles. I love coming here to see what you've been doing. I can't imagine running more then 2-3 miles I do know, but the distants you put in. I am...well WOW!!!
    Keep it up Shawn. Sleep well my friend. God Bess you!!
